The Brainwashing of my Dad
Consolidated Links to Supplement the Movie
Review: 'The Brainwashing of My Dad' Explores the Human Impact of Right-Wing Media
The Republican Noise Machine
Fox News 1.0: Revisiting TVN, Roger Ailes’ first stab at running a TV news operation
Lewis Powell memo
Ailes memo
Norquist's Wednesday meeting
Voodoo Economics (supply-side economics)
Fairness doctrine
Talk radio's America
How Conservative Think Tanks Helped Create the Age of Trump
Rush Limbaugh now has a Presidential Medal of Freedom. Here are just 20 of the outrageous things he's said
Clarence Thomas and Rush Limbaugh
20 years of the telecommunications act
Clinton’s ‘Right-Wing Conspiracy’ Comes Full Circle With Trump Shake Up
How Roger Ailes Built the Fox News Fear Factory
Brainwashing, by Kathleen Taylor
This is Sinclair Media
Right-wing media figures are making unhinged connections between the coronavirus and climate action
Former Fox News chief political correspondent reveals that the network "foments fear and anger"
How Frank Luntz went from Trump enemy to White House insider
Conservative Newswork: A Report on the Values and Practices of Online Journalists on the Right (March 31, 2020)
Voter supression
Kochland article in New Yorker
‘Dark Money,’ by Jane Mayer (book on the Koch's)
The Koch's and other Right-wing billionaires
Ultra-right Organizations
Heather Cox Richardson's
American History Chat
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