The Organized Ultra Right
Behind the scenes, these organizations have been transforming American politics for decades
The Heritage Foundation
One of the most influential organizations whose explicit aims are 'to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defens'
American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)
Providing 'ready-made' bills to national and local legislators throughout the country, in addition to networking opportunities, Alec has played a big part in the strong rightword drift in laws and regulations in recent years at many levels of government.
Americans for Prosperity (AFP)
Founded by the Koch brothers, the AFP promotes the conservative priorities and seeks to subvert liberal institutions and governance, and to overturn laws that conflict with its far right agenda.
Council for National Policy (CNP)
An umbrella organization and networking group for conservative activists, this semi-secretive organization, has linked together powerful people and organizations, whose aim is to push all aspects of American life to the Right.