History Chat - September 17, 2020
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Summary: History of republican party from the midterm elections of 2004, through the Gulf War, into the Obama years.
Timestamp 3:43 : After the fall of the Berlin Wall and after the Division of the USSR, people wanted to get rid of “communism at home” by dismantling the New Deal and Activist government that was leveling the playing field with a social safety net. The people who wanted this tended to see the world in an us vs them mentality given they grew up in a war against comunism era.
Timestamp 5:24: Legislation from years where movement conservatives were in power, starting in 1981, actually hurt up to 99% of Americans
Timestamp 6:24: Bush administration takes their “us vs. them” mentality into foreign policy, which resulted in the second Gulf War.
Timestamp 10:07:With the fall of communism, they believed it was Only a matter of time until the world models itself after America, and they flex their muscles overseas to do so. They pushed for regime change in countries that lacked political and economic freedom , starting with Sadaam Hussein, in an effort to stabilize the Middle East. To do this, they increase defense spending. To support a justification to “stabilize” the Middle East, they linked Saddam Hussein to 9/11 which some believed, although it is false.
Timestamp 14:03:The Bush Doctorate argues that due to Terrosism, America needs to act Premtively and handle the terrorist threats before they start. They also embraced a black and white perspective to foreign policy. This was related to their fear of weapons of mass destruction.
Timestamp 17:32: One of the things Saddam was accomplishing in the Middle East was countering Iran. The two powers cancelled each other out, but the Bush administration was insisting they had Nuclear weapons which presented a threat of Nuclear war. This was presented as credible information when Moderate Colin Powell said there is evidence of them having nuclear weapons, only to later admit he had been “had” by discredited information and hearsay. This resulted in the invasion of Iraq to overthrow the government of Sadaam Hussein .
Timestamp 22:09: American troops invaded in 2003. They were given the impression the Iraqui’s would welcome the troops due to being suppressed by Sadaam. On May 1st, 2003 President landed on an Aircraft Carrier, wearing a flight suit, and taking pictures announcing the end of the major combat. At that point, a lot of the contracts were privatized, specifically to Haliburton. After the mission accomplished speech, the major combat actually happened after the speech, and we are still in Iraq.
Timestamp 29:14: Rush Limbaugh wrote a piece comparing President Bush to a cowboy. He paints him as cowboys were never looking for trouble but face it with when it came. They were always on the side of right and defended good people against bad people. They had high morals, good manners, spoke the truth, and were a beacon of integrity. They were respected and in their victories they always rode off into the sunset.
Timestamp 34:04: Bush Presidency cemented that liberal mindset had an active role in society. He Focused on A Christiantiy = Free Enterprise. With that, they are in full control and are able to go against Democrats and even moderate republicans. By controlling everything you see, down to how you see women (wives or prostitutes, which reinforced the black or white mentality) they believed they built something that would be in control for years and or decades.
Timestamp 35:58: Around 2005-2008 Bush administration is falling apart, due to a combination of the ongoing fighting in Iraq, signing statements, and the Crisis of Hurricane Katrina, and the banking deregulation which facilitated the housing bubble which was caused by movement conservatives.
Timestamp 39:41: To try and rejuvenate the republican party, when John McCain runs for president he goes for his running mate to be Sarah Palin due to her not being a career politician and a woman. This seems to be working but falls apart when she begins to be seen as an anti intellectual. This makes the American public resent politics.
Timestamp 43:41: Barack Obama became president in 2008, and the movement conservatives hate him due to his backing of the social safety net. He met some backlash, but he built himself, was a self made man, educated well, with a well behaved family. Obama’s push of Universal health care, which was met with controversy and cries of socialism, was actually devised by the right. It is framed by conservatives that if you believe in these things, you are automatically a liberal, and therefore anti american, so it is implied they shouldn’t have the right to vote.
Timestamp 52:07: In 2010 operation Red map was created, where Republicans go to red states and propose they take the legislature at a reduced cost by taking states before the census count. This is done by Getting a Republican elected so they can redraw the lines in such a way that the Democrats had no chance at winning. This is Called Gerrymandering. Republicans have admitted that they don’t need a President who is a conduit to change, but rather a President who can use a pen to sign off on the agenda they create.
Timestamp 57:25: Republicans continue to push voter fraud, stating Democrats can only win if they cheat by “leveraging voters”. There are no cases or studies confirming voter fraud in the last 30 years, and this is confirmed by a Republican lawyer.
Timestamp 59:50: In 2013, in the landmark Supreme court decision of Shelby County vs Holder, a Republican packed Supreme court Gutted the voting rights act. With the 65 law, states that have a history of voter suppression cannot change voting laws without clearance from the Department of Justice. State officials within hours pass Voting ID laws and Voter registration requirements.