History Chat - August 20, 2020
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Summary: History of the Republican party after the Resignation of Richard Nixon into Gerald Ford.
Timestamp 2:47: In an effort to revitalize the Republican party, Ford chooses to pardon Nixon of Crimes committed. This is done most likely in effort to save face while he was in office, but paved the road for Presidents without accountability in the future. Ford inherits a lot of issues created by Nixon
Timestamp 5:57: Ford has to deal with inflation that accrued during Nixon. This turns into “stagflation” when the economy is stagnant, and inflation rises. This is followed by a spike in inflation, which created the rise in credit cards.
Timestamp 8:52: Movement conservatism says that changes in the world are not the problem, but rather the liberal consus and the continuation of the New Deal and associated social Programs. They Feel this is the beginning of Communism, and happens around the same time of supporting black and womens rights, which marries people associating one with the other.
Timestamp 12:55: In 1970 there was an association of an activist government and confederacy. This leads to bands like the Allman Brothers and Lynard Skynard supporting candidates on the right, Such as Jimmy Carter.
Timestamp 16:35: Movement conservatism grows in popularity when the inflation rate pushes people into different tax brackets, causing their dollars to not go as far. This pushes the narrative of movement conservatism, including their tax dollars being wasted. THe Christian group “the Family” is committed to mobilizing White Protestants as a voting block. This became important in the 80’s moving forward, and politicians have to heed to their issues for their votes. This was duplicated with Evangelicals.
Timestamp 21:17: Proposition 13 was an amendment to the state constitution that limited the property tax to 1% of the cash value of the property.This allowed them to increase their tax base, therefore funding state programs.
Timestamp 24:19: 52 Americans are taken hostage in Iran as a result of Eisenhower undercutting a popular government. Around the same time, Russia invaded Afghanistan, which was of importance because most would never invade Afghanistan. This gives the impression that the world was previously afraid of the United states, but with the invasion, Russia has center stage. This changes upon the victory of the United states against the USSR in an Olympic Hockey game.
Timestamp 29:36: In an effort to help the economy, instead of putting money at the bottom, they increase production of goods and services which would create more wealthy people. This would pay more taxes, which would eliminate inflation. This would help the common people by creating jobs at the bottom.
Timestamp 36:09: Republican national Primary occurs in 1980. Ronald Reagan runs as a Movement conservative, and his primary opponent is Geoge H.W. Bush who is running with a similar stance to Eisenhower. Upon Bush Reviewing Reagan's plan of slashing taxes and investing heavily in the Military, Bush coined his idea “Voodoo Economics”. Reagan's verbiage is heavily Movement conservative, but his actions are fairly moderate.
Timestamp 45:27: Reagan says the United states are in a spot similar to the great depression, and we got there not from unregulated capitalism, but by taxation and public spending. He emphasizes that government is not the solution to the problem, but rather is the problem, and in an effort to take more power away from the government promised to give more power back to the states.
Timestamp 48:39: Regan gets in office and starts the Movement conservative agenda by slashing federal government, enacts a hiring freeze, cuts regulations, and appoints deregulators for businesses. He then goes to slashing domestic spending by 47 billion dollars, and then proceeds to move onto Taxes. It was advised that cutting taxes would not create a surplus, but rather a deficit. Regan was able to “sell” his tax cuts after his rise in popularity after his assassination attempts.
Timestamp 57:30: Reagan increased defense spending by 40 percent, and the country immediately goes into a depression. This causes Regan to slowly raise taxes back, but he continues to fund “freedom fighters” In strategic locations such as Angola.
Timestamp 1:01: In 1984 the economy made a comeback with the slashing of interest rates and congress lifting regulations on banks so they may lend more. Americans see this as supply side economics working, whereas it was separate. A tax cut was enacted in 1986, which in turn created a deficit, which was caused by “democratic spending” when it was a result of the tax cut.
Timestamp 1:06:25: In 1987 Federal Communication Commision cut the Fairness doctrine, which meant political speech needing to be based in fact is no longer needed. This gives rise talk radio
of Socialism and feminism, and government spending on social programs
Timestamp 1:07:06: By 1988 the government focused on the Christian Coalition to rally Evangelicals behind republicans. They are pro family, anti crime, and financial security and are vehemently against abortion and homosexuality. Regan reflects this by packing the courts with Justices who feel the same, so the Regan doctrine can continue after his presidency.