History Chat - August 13, 2020
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Summary: How the Movement Conservatives gain some traction with everyday people through the association of Civil rights and Communism, particularly after Barry Goldwater lost the election of 1964 through the years of 1984.
Timestamp 6:45: Ronald Regan is a spokesperson in television for corporate interests. He is part of a television program that focuses on “A time for choosing” that is for Barry Goldwater. This launches Reagan onto the political scene by ignoring statistics, telling stories, and discounting opinions of educated people. He pushes back against the Liberal consensus by claiming that the Democrats are pushing towards Totalitarianism.
Timestamp 9:02: After Goldwater fails, the Republicans take some things away from his campaign. They moved to direct mail campaign funding, which gave the power to those who aren’t “influential” and everyday people. This is particularly successful in The south. Additionally, even though Goldwater failed, he gained the backing of 5 deep south states with his argument of desegregation being unconstitutional. This presented a crack in the traditionally Democratic deep South, which Republicans could later capitalize on.
Timestamp 12:48: After the voting rights act was passed in the 1960’s, cities started rioting, which causes many to believe that maybe there is something to Movement Conservatism. The riots actually occur because of the assasination of MLK, the Vietnam war, and the deterioration of inner cities after white taxpayers take their money to the suburbs and their businesses, which removes the tax base the city previously had, which causes economic depression.
Timestamp 16:00: Richard ``tricky Dicky” Nixon has become the logical option for the Republican party in 1968, as he was Eisenhower's Vice President. Movement conservatives don’t trust him, which causes them to counter by getting Ronald Regan on the ticket as a Movement Conservative. Nixon actively tried to undercut Regan to gain the Republican nomination by telling Strong Thurman if elected, he would not use the Federal Government to push Desegregation. This becomes known as the Southern Strategy. Nixon also figured out that the Republican Coalition could dominate politics if they increased their appeal to people such as Catholics, Anti De-segregation, and traditional republicans to Movement conservatives.
Timestamp 20:07: Nixon courts the DixieCrats by saying that he will back off of the Liberal Consensus and Civil rights, if the old Southern democrats can support the Republican party. He capitalized on rioting by promising law and order, and revisited the Reconstruction rhetoric of civil rights is a redistribution of wealth.
Timestamp 26:52: The Nixon campaign utilizes the Media and arranges for Nixon to attend Town halls’ which are televised. These are packed with people asking questions, with constructed answers, which are essentially staged by the future creator of Fox News, called Roger Ayles. This helps forget his image of a boring politician with images that appeal to emotion.
Timestamp 32:15: Richard Nixon became elected on the grounds of Finding Peace in Vietnam. In 1971, bombings occur in Cambodia and Laos, which horrifies Americans as they were lied to. Nixon’s popularity is also adversely affected when 4 students at Kent State are killed by troops in a complex dynamic. People are horrified that the people killed were middle class and white, and this follows him throughout his career.
Timestamp 41:37: Nixon is under the impression that the 1972 election is a cakewalk. He fails to realize that his actions in the Vietnam peace talks could not only cost him the election, but possibly result in him going to jail. At this time, the Pentagon Papers are published in the New York Times, which outlines government involvement in Vietnam, which contradicts what Americans were told. Nixon is upset about the leaking of information, so he creates a unit to assist in discrediting government leaks. He also works on discrediting the person who initiated the leak.
Timestamp 45:10: The Committee to re elect the president is formed, and its purpose is to destroy Nixon’s opponents. They do this by planting fake letters in newspapers, plant spies in democratic camps, amongst other things.
Timestamp 49:13: On June 17th, 1972, there was an effort to wiretap the Democratic National Committee. There are five men who are arrested, and the white house denied involvement. The Washington Post picked up on a money trail that led back to the mint, with the initials of WH. This is believed to stand for White House. Nixon deflects this by blaming the Liberal Consensus. Once people catch wind that they were duped, they turn on Nixon. This turns into the scandal that is known as Watergate, and reveals many different side scandals, including tax evasion of people in office.
Timestamp 55:48: Audio tapes are discovered that disclose the conversations that took place in the oval office during this time. This leads to subpoena, and Nixon letting go of multiple people he employed who would not bend to his will to keep him “innocent”. Nixon is forced to release transcripts of the tapes, which ruins his image as a family man. The missing 18 minutes also create room for speculation. Although the articles of impeachment have not yet been passed, it is agreed that they will vote to impeach Nixon. This led to Nixon resigning from office on August 9th, 1974, earning himself the title of the first American President to resign, although he never admitted or took responsibility for what he was accused with.