History Chat - July 9, 2020

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Summary: History of the Republican party after the election of 1896


Timestamp 2:14: During this time, the term “Liberalism” changes drastically. It was originally associated with small government that didn’t overtax individuals to the idea of needing an active government to reign in big business in order to allow individuals to have quality opportunities. The group of people who lead the way into this are actually Republicans, including Theodore Roosevelt.


Timestamp 9:59:On February 14th of 1884, Roosevelt lost his wife during childbirth and his mother due to an infectious disease. He proceeds to give up politics and pursue cattle ranching. When Roosevelt attended the Republican convention and disagreed with the direction it was going in, he left the party


Timestamp 16:52:Back East people are pursuing re building the Navy. During the Civil war, copious amounts of money were pumped into the Army and Navy, but after the war the Navy fell into disrepair. The Army continued to be funded due to various Indian wars. There was not much opportunity for advancement within the Navy because of this, which affects the Republican party because it is referenced in a book  that you can’t have a strong government without a strong Navy. Roosevelt’s family has a history in the confederate Navy, so it resonates with him.


Timestamp 20:51: The McKinley tariff of 1890 assisted with expansion, namely by taxing Sugar. This is why the Sugar trust becomes the biggest and most important in the country. This tariff makes sugar growers consider moving to the states to avoid the tariff. This is how Hawaii became a state.


Timestamp 23:53: Cuba is still run as a Spanish colony, and there is a lot of business done there with Sugar business. They don’t like that Spain is so close to the states, but they don't want a revolution either, and some people Believe Cuba should be part of the states. The United states has interest in gaining control of Cuba, and it is going through a revolution against Colonialism. The revolution puts the United States in an awkward position, as they don’t want Spain in their backyard, and they don't want the native revolutionaries in control. This results in native Cubans being requested to be “concentrated” to certain towns on the island to avoid being considered a rebel. Young Republicans feel compelled to be a conduit to change, which ruffles the feathers of people who have interest in the sugar industry on the island. The Older republicans still have memories of the Civil war, so they have no intention of getting involved.


Timestamp 36:25:Secretary of the Navy is away which leaves Roosevelt in charge as he is the Assistant Secretary of the Navy. He directs that a ship be sent to the Philippines and fire when ready as soon as the announcement of war was made for Cuba. 


Business men are very against the war in Cuba, but very in favor of the war in the Philippines and they have a lot of parallels. The commonalities are Spain as a colonial power, Sugar, and theUnited States involvement.


Timestamp 50:22: In 1898 younger republicans made taking the Philippines a top priority to spread  American ideals, values and greatness, as well as take advantage of their sugar. The new Republicans believe they can get votes with this mentality, but the old school republicans are vehemently opposed. This essentially makes them borderline imperialist.


Timestamp 53:57: Roosevelt has interest in regulating big businesses, and proceeds to win the New york Governor on the premise of the new Liberalism, which believes in regulating big business to protect the individualism of the many.


Timestamp 55:13: Roosevelt is recruited to be the Running mate for McKinley, who is a big business man, but is going to be painted as a reformer. They win the ticket, which is simultaneous with the birth of US Steel, and later the Northern Securities Company. McKinley was killed, which put Roosevelt into the Presidency.


Timestamp 100: Roosevelt becomes ignored after presenting his idea for the Trusts regulations, which leads him to go after the trusts, starting with Northern Securities. Northern Securities proposed working together for a resolution, which was declined. This marks when the government stops working for big businesses. This is reinforced by the start of what is now the food and drug administration.


Timestamp 1:06:04: Roosevelt adopts the Wisconsin Idea, which says if the Government combines labor unions, businesses, and college professors it would create policies and programs that would benefit all.


Timestamp 1:07:49:Taft became president in 1908, after Roosevelt turned down a 2nd term. Taft ends up busting more trusts than Roosevelt did, and tries to continue his legacy. At the end of his term, in the 1912 election, all the candidates were progressives.