History Chat - July 30, 2020

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Summary: History of the Republican party after FDR’s Passing


Timestamp 4:46: In 1948 the Republican party chose to cut loose the “Dewey Republicans” who stood behind the New Deal. Shortly after, In 1949 the Communist party took over China, and it is believed that it happened so quickly that they must be getting help from the American government. This is met with animosity as the war had just ended to fight against Fascist countries. Since the Democrats took over congress that year, Republicans took the communist rhetoric and implied that Congress was being filled with communists.


Timestamp 13:29: on February 9th 1950 Joe McCarthy is tasked with giving a speech for a Women's group in Wheeling WV in commemoration of Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday. During this speech, he claims that there are 205 communists working in the state department, and the Democrats are aware of this and refuse to investigate. He pledges to the Chicago Tribune that he will share the names of 57 specific ones, under the condition it would be permitted to investigate the loyalties of the people within the departments.


Timestamp 17:11: Atchinson also helped make NATO, where European nations and Turkey helped hold back the expansion of the USSR into Europe. Republicans, mainly Taft, feel like NATO is a waste of time, as they feel it more important to focus on Asia rather than Europe and Russia. This labels the Democrats bedfellows of communism. This coins the term “sewer politics” where non-factual information is publicized. This began the trend of manipulating the media to fabricate “news” that spreads quickly before the fact checkers can debunk it.


Timestamp 24:35: Margaret Chase Smith, Senator of Maine, gave a speech dubbed the Declaration of Conscience, where she states the Republican Party cannot claim victory of fear, ignorance, bigotry and smear.


Timestamp 26:44: Taft expects to be the Republican candidate in the 1952 election. China expands into Korea during the same time, which pushes communism into the North of Korea. Eisenhower feels this is a distraction to put an increased amount of troops to Asia while they invade Europe to become a communist continent. The series of events in lKorea presented an opportunity for Eisenhower to voice his opinion on the matter, and therefore run for office.


Timestamp 35:12: Eisenhower is sent to Panama and interacts with General Connor. During his time there, they reviewed combat tactics in preparation for another World War, as well as Soft Skills. During his tour of a concentration camp, he saw the aftermath and decided the problem is not the world, not economics, but rather extremists. He worked to squash extremism and create stability to avoid a world that can destroy itself with the introduction of Atomic weapons


Timestamp 41:17: Eisenhower wanted to make sure that America is dispersing Aid and humanitarian support throughout the world to undercut potential for a dictator in those countries.


Timestamp 42:43: Eisenhower goes to the presidents of Columbia University to gather some of the great minds to solve the challenges that America faced post World War 2. Republicans in Massachusetts and New York support Eisenhower to run the Republican ticket, which essentially takes Taft out of the game. Eisenhower plays on his war service by Travelling by plane, using television, and having “parades” to include the people more.


Timestamp 49:45: Eisenhower's running mate is Richard Nixon of California. Eisenhower is not pleased with his running mate, specifically after the slush fund is discovered that later Nixon has to defend. In the process of defending it, he goes to great lengths to defend himself as a normal man with normal expenses.


Timestamp 52:41: Eisenhow wins Presidential office, but the Republicans also win Congress. His goals during his term are to balance the budget, which he achieved, in addition to lowering taxes and inflation. He also wants to expand social services and housing as well, which he later coins the “Middle way”.


Timestamp 57:02: Stalin dies, which makes Eisenhower think he can mend the relationship between the two countries. He believes the tools that will make that country better are not ammunition and arms, but rather schools, hospitals and homes. He attempts to stop Totalitarianism In Cambodia and Iran. He negotiates a peace of Sorts in Korea


Timestamp 1:00: Domestically, Eisenhower works on the financial system. He proceeds to push back the regulations put in place by FDR. He pushes for federal funding for schools and highways, and expands social welfare programs as well as Social Security. By focusing on the highway system, he creates jobs not only on an infrastructure level but also for the new diners and gas stations that are built on them. Paired with the effects of the GI Bill, the United States reached a level of prosperity.