History Chat - January 28, 2021

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Summary How tariffs and business plays a role in the late 1800’s including  the Civil War years.


Timestamp 4:47: the Republicans in office during the years of Lincoln’s presidency have taken over congress with many ideas of what they don’t stand for, but no real legislation or positive programs regarding what they stand for other than tariffs. They did this by creating the income tax, and when they came to realize that that was not going to bring in enough money, they started taxing certain goods that were coming into the country.  This starts to be referred to as the Moral tariff, that includes art, agricultural products, and a variety of other things that essentially could be produced in the United States. This was intended to promote items made in the United States.


Timestamp 9:47: The government asks for money from Bankers to support things such as the Homestead act and the land grant college. The bankers are traditionally aligned with the ideology of the South, which contributes to the rift between the North and South. By the end of  1871, they essentially pulled the rug out from under the financials of the country. To counteract this, they invent a form of currency called a “greenback”. The greenbacks are only issued when the government and their credit union approves their ability to pay for them. This causes them to be sensitive to inflation and perception on current events. Many people who are starting out love the greenbacks as the dollar value may over time be less than what they borrowed. This became great for borrowers but bad for lenders on Wall street.


Timestamp 14:40: In 1863, the government created yet another form of paper money that will be known as a National Bank note. The National Bank notes interest are payable in gold, which makes them extremely stable in value. This makes it a lenders preferred way to lend.


Timestamp 18:20: The system the Republicans put in place is starting to show its flaws, as the industrialists dramatically consolidated their powers as they had the government contracts. This was initially seen as a good thing, however, in the midst of people focusing on the workers' rebellion for their rights, people fail to see the growth and power of railroads. In 1872 the Credible Belier scandal came to light as is played out through railroads, which have been under spotlight already as they live lavish lifestyles provided essentially by government contracts. This later ties President Grant to charges of corruption.

Timestamp 35:01: Americans begin to  become concerns with the involvement of big business in politics, which is emphasized by the tariffs. The tariffs which were originally presented to help the people consistently only seem of benefit to big business. Once this is realized and the people organize against big business, the heads of businesses “carve up” control of the market so everyone gets a fair share. This is in an effort to stabilize prices, therefore the market. Over time this leads to buying up competition to stabilize prices, which later leads to monopolies.

Timestamp 39:41: “Trusts” start to appear, and Senators are dedicated/ bought by certain trusts. The system hinges on economic, unregulated growth at the expense of no worker rights. This puts doubt in Democracy being for the people and making laws that benefit the people, after a war was fought in the recent past for equal rights.


Timestamp 49:21: The two forms of currency cause the crash of 1873, where it is debated on whether to help the people or stabilize the market and help the wealthy. They choose to stabilize the markets, so they proceed to pull the GreenBacks from circulation in favor of the more stable Bank notes.


Timestamp 51:41: The republican party believes that industrialists are managing the economy by employing people. This leads to the argument that their interests must be protected, which is debated was the reason for the design of the 14th amendment. It becomes argued that the wealthy should be  in charge of the economy to promote growth, therefore, an oligarchy of sorts.