History Chat - January 14, 2021

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Summary:Post Civil War society questions who gets to have a say in Society, which changes the structure of the United States Government.


Timestamp 4:17: The Republicans created multiple programs that would allow common men to rise, through Federal assistance. This ushered in Federal Taxation, which most notably is the income tax. This triggers the idea that expansion of people allowed to participate and have a say in Society will cost everyone money. This is where the redistribution of wealth concept is born.


Timestamp 9:07: Susan B Anthony challenges that the United States is a Republic, but  rather an Oligarchy. She supports her statement with the newfound National Labor Organization. This replaced the previous Labor Unions, which were in trouble due to the War. If a specific Labor Union wasn’t complying, the Employer would report them as against the war effort, and they would be removed.


Timestamp 15:02: The National Labor union is created, and fights for what is seen as radical at the time. These things are a wage base, 8 hour work day, and safe working conditions, during the industrial age is seen as the laborers wanting to level the playing field. This starts the association between workers and money, and how much of it they get.


Timestamp 18:40: Karl Marx begins Chronicling history and Technology from a historical standpoint, but starts a theory called Marxism that is based off of the alienation of workers. The Knights of Labor are introduced shortly after, and promise taking care of your children if you pass and helping bury you. This is an attempt to bring organization to Industrial labor, which is magnified by the Paris Commune in France. These workers took over the city, and referred to themselves as Communards. This is where the term Communist is rooted.


Timestamp 26:40: The Tweed Ring is brought to light by New York City newspapers. They are found to be giving contracts to contractors in exchange for them hiring people, namely immigrants, who promise to vote Democrat to keep the Democratic party in power in New York City. This sheds light on fear of people voting for who will give them free stuff, which echoes the redistribution of Wealth, which is what Andrew Johnson warned against.


Timestamp 30:35: After 1870, the 15th Amendment protects the right to vote for African American men. The legislature of South Carolina has more black people than white people. It is found that the African Americans in South Carolina tend to not vote for anything radical, contrary to popular belief. After the Klu Klux Clan Rises between 1868-1871, in opposition to the 15th Amendment, Grant creates the Department of Justice to assure that federal laws, including the 15th Amendment, are being carried out.  Once that occurs, the wealthy white people change their tune from “we don’t like African Americans” to “We don’t mind if they have equal rights, we just mind they are utilizing programs that cause tax paying dollars”. This leads to the concept that allowing Black people to vote is a redistribution of wealth, therefore Communist.


Timestamp 37:45: There is a post war concern that those who are doing well will be affected by the redistribution of wealth which will allow people to move upwards.


Timestamp 44:24 After the Cattle movement starts in the southwest, in an attempt to expand the cotton movement. This results in Texans afraid to go outside because of the mass amount of cattle, which there was an attempt to move out of Texas but they were unable to due to surrounding geography and the War. As a creative solution, a herd of cattle is taken to the Army to feed the troops. This cattle drive is led by desperate men, many confederates, whose only requirements were the ability to ride a horse and hold a gun.


Timestamp 52:53: Eastern  Democrats parrot the verbiage of redistribution of wealth through social programs being communist, and in South Carolina they claim it a proletarian society. Those who are not interested in being associated are tempted and encouraged to go westward into this Brave New world of sorts. This is where the image of the Cowboy arises, who fights indigenous people to preserve and protect their land while being left alone from the government. The cowboy turns into the most powerful political image in American history, and glamorizes men and reduces women to either wives or sex workers.