History Chat - February 4, 2021
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Summary : How indigenous history factors into the Civil war and therefore Reconstruction
Timestamp 3:48: When people think of the Civil war they often think about where the big battles were, which was the East. In reality, after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the war was in many ways fought over the structure of the West.
Timestamp 5:53: Americans are trying to impose a structure of law in the Lands west of the Mississippi which previously had a long history of Spanish Colonization. This is happening while the Southwest lands are being integrated into the United States. Incidentally, there is not a lot of settlement in the Northwest portion of the Louisiana purchase, beyond primarily fur trappers.
Timestamp 9:41: The intention of expanding Slavery into the west is expressed, as at the time property included slaves. This is met with opposition to try to avoid a repeat of the few Elite slave owners reaping the benefits from the many.
Timestamp 12:34: The United States government worked as quickly as possible to
assimilate all the new Western states into the government as possible to avoid the Confederate
mindset to spread into the West. The lands that are being integrated are lands that have already
been established by indigenous peoples.
Timestamp 13:09: Many people rush to California in the midst of the gold rush, which leads to the creation of the state at rapid speed. During the creation of this state, laws are created that single out people by race. The people who are singled out include people who already have limited rights, which includes Chinese, Mexicans, and Native Americans.
Timestamp 16:27: The West becomes a dream of sorts and is envisioned as a pinnacle to contribute to the American economy while still having a quality of life with contributions to family.
Timestamp 19:47: A Lieutenant Basco chooses to befriend the Apache to “capture” them. This sparks the Apache war, which is when the Apache partner with a Native American from another Tribe named Geranimo.
Timestamp 24:27 The Erie canal opens in 1825, Which causes the population of the Northwest to explode as the preferred mode of transportation at the time was by water.
Timestamp 27:30: The Dakota tribe is forced by the United States government to forfeit large amounts of their native lands to only be given a sliver of land with access to food and supplies. The United States government doesn't hold up their end of the bargain as they are in the middle of the Civil war, which causes the Dakota’s to disregard their deal made with the Government so they can have food back. This leads to many people who had settled the Dakota lands to be slaughtered. The indigenous people are held to Trial for their actions by the US government, which was a mockery of the Justice system as the trials lasted mere minutes and the names were wrong. Many Dakota’s were executed on the grounds of going against the United States government.
Timestamp 37:56: By 1862 the Indigenous people are viewed as Savage enough to be
treated differently. This leads to the largest mass execution in American history. IN effort to
get into the West the Confederates and Union both launched a campaign to get into the
Southwest so they would get access to ports and California. The Apache and Navajo during the
“settling” take advantage by raiding the lands of the Settlers. This presents the
need for Fort Summner to be created, as well as a nearby Native American Reservation. He claims
he will stop the Apache wars, and did that by killing all of the Apache he could find.
Timestamp 45:31: After it becomes acceptable by the US government to Slaughter the Indigenous people who were against the United States Government, Navajo are dehumanized by being marched to the equivalent of an internment camp under the guise of being Hostile Enemies of the Government.
Timestamp 50:50: The end of the Civil war marks the end of the war between the United States Government and the Confederacy, Not the end of the war between the United States government and the indigenous people.
Timestamp 56:43: In an effort to accommodate the Union Pacific railroad, the United States Government gives a similar thing that they did with the Dakota’s by offering them food, decreased land, and annuities. They do this by creating Reservations primarily in South Dakota and Oklahoma, which frees up the states in between for the Union Pacific Railroad.
Timestamp 59:24:Indians don’t have a civil identity at this time, even after the 14th Amendment, which leads to them having no voice or representation to advocate for them. This leads to the 14th amendment in the East making people equal and allowing people to more inclusively participate in government, whereas in the West it's dividing people.