History Chat - December 24, 2020

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Timestamp 2:48: In the 1830’s, Americans had to figure out how to get Democracy to work. The framers outlined how the government would work, but failed to figure out how the politicians would communicate with those that they govern and how the populace has their say.


Timestamp 5:00: Andrew Jackson promised much of the Land in the Southeast to wealthy planters who would vote for him, which were at the time being used by the Native Americans. This prompts the “Trail of Tears” and in turn the spread of slavery. As people don’t know how to live in a democracy, as this is the first Modern Democracy, Andrew Jackson Destroys the banking system which causes an economic crisis. This leads to people reconsidering the efficacy of Democracy.


Timestamp 18:24: Transportation changed America in many ways. The affluent people tend to live near water, which is where news tends to travel by.  During this time, it is easier and cheaper to travel by water vs Land. At this time, land stopped you where as water facilitated travel. This fact facilitated the introduction of canals to make the cost of travel cheaper (i.e the Saint Lawrence Canal). Once the freezing of canals became an issue, there was a rise in railroad building in the 1850’s which is where the transition to favoring land travel began. Horses had issues with being prone to illness, but there was a rise in the popularity of Bicycles, which allowed people’s range of travel to expand, therefore their knowledge of events expanded.


Timestamp 30:44: Transportation becomes important during WW1 as the traditional warfare becomes irrelevant, as people are in planes, boats, tanks, and other modes of transportation. This becomes known as the war that we marched out of the 19th century, as the war started with a car and ended in planes. This facilitates the car industry boom in the 1950’s and the rise in the commercial airline industry after WW2


Timestamp 35:10: An important historical event that most people get wrong is the compromise of 1877. There was no compromise, but rather a suppression of voting which led to three southern states to support Rutherford Hayes in exchange for Railroad contracts and the removal of troops. There is a misconception that this was a compromise which was seeded in a book.


Timestamp 47:30: What happened before Social Security? For the most part, people depended on their kids before the creation of this social safety net or worked until they passed. When Social Security was created, life expectancy was shorter.


Timestamp 56:10:  History is important because it is the study of the past and change of society. This explains how and why things happen. These events are sometimes believed to be triggered by great men, religion, etc but in most cases it is believed that Ideas make it happen.